libertarian ramblings

Thursday, March 28, 2002  

I seem to be a trend-setter here. I have been a proponent of a Condoleeza Rice VP bid in 2004 since Bush 43's election. Lee Bockhorn writes about it in this Weekly Standard article. I would disagree with Lee on her ability to attract a substantial black vote; but neither of us have much to back our opinions up though. However, I'm sure there will be much polling among the black electorate in the next year and a half.

Bockhorn also downplays the question of Cheney's health. The question at this point is not whether or not he'll be fit to run in 2004, but 2012 (for a second term as President; he'll be 71, Reagan was 73). He does correctly queestion conservative's trepidation about her stand on abortion. But the GOP, if it hopes to win elections, must embrace the measured position of Kay-Bailey Hutchenson, which reflects the mainstream of American Society.

posted by Kevin L. Connors | 10:01 PM

Wednesday, March 20, 2002  

In this Tech Central Station article. Glenn Reynolds explores the subject of international space law, which has been quite neglected of late. I am particularly interested in the sanctity of private property rights in the absence of territorial rights:

Freedom of enterprise. The 1967 Outer Space Treaty forbids "national appropriation" of territory on the Moon or other celestial bodies, but it does not say anything about private property. Most (though not quite all) legal commentators agree that the Outer Space Treaty does not bar private property rights in those resources, and some argue that, properly interpreted, it actually provides affirmative protection for private parties who want to engage in, for example, asteroid mining.

Anyone who doesn't stare out into the void through rose-colored glasses Knows that ultimately, rights are secured by force-of-arms, the classic province of government. There's no guarentee that everyone's going to play nice up there. Are we to have private militaries to remain secure?

posted by Kevin L. Connors | 1:38 PM